You’re invited…

If you love coffee and adventure…

Come and immerse yourself in a coffee experience like you’ve never dreamed of: visit our specialty coffee farm in the majestic Andes mountains! Leave the busy city life behind with a 1-hour drive through winding mountain roads, seeing the Ecuadorian landscape like never before and discovering unique microclimates along the way before arriving at Siempre Verde Farm.

Take part in this fascinating world.

During this trip, you will interact with coffee in a one-of-a-kind way! You’ll meet our family and learn firsthand about how we harvest our coffee, and you can take part in it yourself. You’ll get the opportunity to pick some coffee cherries straight from the plants (and sample their sweetness), test their ripeness, and crank them through a machine that removes the skins. You’ll also develop a skill for separating the bad from the good as the coffee beans dry. You will learn all about each step of the process coffee goes through before it becomes the drink many of us enjoy so much! From harvesting to brewing and everything in between, you’ll know more about coffee than you thought was even possible!

Share in these moments with us.

Gathering together—it’s such an important part of our culture and our family. Join us for some “cafecito” time, where we’ll indulge in some farm-fresh coffee and pastries, bringing this coffee adventure to a place of connection and appreciation over the simple joys and beauty of life at the place so dear to our hearts: our farm.

One-day trips

  • ➤ 8:00–8:30am - Meet in San Antonio at the Middle of the World (Mitad del Mundo) entrance

    ➤ 8:30am - Begin drive to the farm and enjoy the beautiful Andes scenery

    ➤ 9:30am - Arrive at the farm

    ➤ 9:30–10:00am - Refresh and prepare for first part of the coffee tour

    ➤ 10:00–12:00pm - Take guided tour through the coffee lots and learn about our approach to coffee while exploring the farm

    ➤ 12:00–1:00pm - Refuel and recharge with a lunch break at the farm house

    ➤ 1:00–2:00pm - Continue guided tour at the processing station and learn how to process coffee

    ➤ 2:00–3:30pm - Enjoy cafecito time together at the farm house

    ➤ 3:30–4:00pm - Get ready to travel back to the city (take last pictures, use the restroom, change if desired, etc.)

    ➤ 4:00pm - Return to San Antonio

  • Location: The farm is located about 45–60 minutes from San Antonio de Pichincha, behind the Pululahua Geobotanical Reserve.

    Altitude: The farm is situated at 1,500 m.a.s.l. (4,900 feet).

    Temperature: The farm has a warm-dry subtropical climate with temperatures that range from 14–32°C (57–89°F).

    Transportation: Because the road to the farm is not well known and not easy to drive on, we make the necessary transportation arrangements with local services. This cost is included in your total trip amount, but you may tip your driver if you would like to.

    Cell Phone Service: Reception becomes spotty once outside the neighborhood of Tanlahua. Halfway through the drive, reception disappears and is almost nonexistent at the farm.

    Internet Access: There is both wired and wireless reliable internet connection at the farm.

    Restrooms: Facilities are available at the farm for all of our guests.

  • (The lunch, cafecito time, water, fruit, and coffee are included in your trip cost.)

    Lunch: This consists of an appetizer, sandwich, chips, fruit, and a drink.

    Cafecito Time: This consists of our freshly brewed coffee and local pastries and/or bread.

    Water: Bottled water is available at the farm to refill any personal water containers you may bring.

    Coffee: We will provide you with plenty of coffee to drink during your visit. Additionally, bags of our roasted coffee are available for purchase at the farm (cash only).

    Other: We encourage you to bring additional food items you may require throughout the day as there are no stores nearby the farm.

  • Please keep in mind that the cost per person includes transportation to the farm from San Antonio de Pichincha as well as the food items described above.

    *$30 per child (10yrs–15yrs)

    *$50 per adult (16yrs and up)

    *Trip not suitable for young children

  • Clothes: Pants, layers including both short sleeves and long sleeves, a hat, and hiking shoes or waterproof boots are recommended.

    Sunscreen & Insect Repellent: We highly recommend bringing these!

    Toiletries: Don’t forget any toiletry items you may need throughout the day.

    Accessories: Don’t forget your sunglasses, cameras, batteries/charging devices, and small backpacks.

    Medications: Don’t forget any medications you may need (prescription pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter painkillers, allergy medicine, etc.).

  • Mariscal Sucre Quito International Airport is the nearest airport. It is about a two-and-a-half-hour drive from the airport to the farm.

    Our one-day trips are full days that are estimated to last 8–9 hours, including the travel time from San Antonio de Pichincha to the farm and back.

    Because of the duration of the trip, the amount of walking around the farm, and the distance between the farm and the nearest town, we do not recommend this one-day trip for young children.